Course Design Grants

Course Design Grants are for the design and development of research-based and quality-focused course support efforts that include the creation of instructional materials to expand or substantially revise an established course (which may include the use of web-based technologies and/or the creation of multimedia resources in support of these efforts).
Who should participate?
Full or 3/4 time faculty
Choose this grant if:
- Your course is a credit-bearing course at NC State University.
- You need support to create or substantially revise a course according to national course quality standards and best practices (this could include the need to develop media materials to support this creation or revision).
- You seek to emphasize innovative use of technology and/or pedagogy in any course delivery format (online, hybrid, face-to-face, HyFlex).
- You seek guidance with course development tools.
- You are full or ¾ time faculty member.
$8,000, plus a dedicated team of DELTA staff to assist you
What courses are eligible?
Any face-to-face, online, blended, or HyFlex courses that are credit-bearing
Length and delivery
The Course Design grant begins in the fall and continues through the end of the summer semester. You are given a team of DELTA staff and have regular meetings throughout the year.
Services Provided
- Support for integrating online learning into face-to-face courses
- Assistance with designing high-quality and pedagogically-appropriate courses
- Guidance with course technologies and development tools
- Design and development of web-based and multimedia learning materials, as needed
Grant Expectations
- Attending the DELTA Grants Orientation
- Participating in and successfully completing the “Applying the Quality Matters Rubric” workshop
- Participating in and successfully completing the “Course Map” workshop
- Participating in regularly scheduled project team meetings
- Delivering the designed course a minimum of three times
- Spending funds within the current fiscal year and in accordance with all deadlines established by the university and the respective college and department. Awards are state-appropriated funds and are subject to all applicable university, college, and departmental rules. Applicants should contact their unit’s budget officer for specifics on spending. Please see the DELTA Grant Funds section on our FAQs page for more information.
Competitive Priorities
Priority consideration is given to applications that:
- Involve designing or redesigning a large undergraduate-level required course (a critical path course)
- Show evidence of best practices in their course-level learning objectives (we recommend taking approximately 30-45 minutes to complete the self-paced module, WolfSNAPS Identifying Learning Objectives for Your Course, to produce the best possible set of learning objectives.)
- Align with the strategic goals of the college or division that the PI represents
- Intend to submit the course for Quality Matters certification after redesign
- Seek to improve students’ higher-order thinking competencies
- Seek to improve student success as defined by the NC State Strategic Plan
- Benefit more than one course or faculty member
- Benefit multiple sections and delivery methods of the course
- Support the exploration of innovative technologies and techniques with applications beyond the course initially addressed by the grant
Course Design Grants in Action

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