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DELTA Express Grants

Targeted, semester-long partnerships with DELTA

DELTA Express Grants group consultation photo

Apply for a DELTA Express Grant

Submissions are open until September 6 at 5 p.m.

DELTA Express Grants assist faculty in solving specific pedagogical challenges in an existing course, usually involving targeted DELTA support over the course of a semester. Projects such as:

  • Incorporating instructional technologies into an existing course to increase engagement between faculty/students, students/students, and ultimately allowing students to better engage with and understand the course content
  • Using targeted support and established guidelines to assist an existing course in meeting national quality standards.
  • Guiding faculty in accessibility practices that lower barriers for student success and engagement.
  • Assisting faculty with using digital media to solve pedagogical challenges. 

Proposals are accepted twice a year at the beginning of the fall and spring semesters. 

With a DELTA Express Grant, you get:

  • Your own DELTA team to collaborate and assist you in finding solutions for a specific instructional challenge.
  • Our expertise and guidance, beyond a typical consultation, so you can learn new instructional strategies or course design principles to apply to a course.
  • A $2000 award to use for personnel, conferences, equipment, etc.

I’m working with a lot of unfamiliar tech tools, and it could have been a really daunting or overwhelming task, but the team’s been great, and I think those supportive relationships are one of the benefits of DELTA grants

Latisha Judd

NC State CALS lecturer

Which DELTA Express Grant is Right for You?

Grant TypePurposeCompetitive PrioritiesPI Expectations
Course AccessibilityImprove course accessibility and discover solutions for highly technical accessibility problems.Courses with particularly challenging accessibility issues that could benefit from a collaborative team approach.Attend applicable workshops, participate in three consultations, remediate course content.
Course MappingAlign course components: learning objectives, materials, activities, and assessments. Create a visual representation of the alignment.Online or hybrid courses that benefit an online program or certificate.Attend applicable workshops, write or revise course and module- level objectives and develop a course map.
Instructional ToolsLearn a new digital learning tool and create an implementation plan for a course.Applicant has selected an NC State enterprise instructional tool or has identified an instructional challenge that is well matched with an NC State tool.Attend applicable professional development, participate in three consultations, create an implementation plan, and present the plan.

Important dates

  • August 19 – September 6: Application period for Fall 2024 Express Grants