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Faculty Fellows Grants

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This grant type essentially exists to promote faculty learning from colleagues. DELTA collaborates with determined and student-success focused instructors to create content that will assist their peers in creating courses that are pedagogically innovative. In addition, they assist their colleagues in being effective teaching and learning practitioners.

Who should participate?

Faculty who have been employed full or 3/4 time with University for at least 5 years, have had pedagogical success in the classroom and would like to share their knowledge with others.

Choose this grant if:

  • You would like DELTA staff guidance to support other faculty in teaching effectively using campus technologies, including Moodle, Zoom, Google Apps for Education, Panopto and other related tools.
  • You have been employed at NC State University for at least five years.



Length and Delivery

You will work with DELTA staff to develop a plan specific to your experience and interests.The plan might include leading workshops on NC State’s campus, sharing best practices via articles, presenting at conferences or a myriad of other possibilities. Historically, Faculty Fellows used their voices to advocate for innovative teaching methods. The minimum time commitment is 60 hours over the course of a year.

Services Provided

  • Facilitation of collaborative work between DELTA staff and Faculty Fellows grant recipients to support other faculty in teaching effectively using campus technologies

Grant Expectations 

  • Participating in scheduled Faculty Fellows planning meetings
  • Participating in or contributing to DELTA-led special events such as DELTA-Con, the Conference on Faculty Excellence, etc.
  • Working collaboratively with DELTA on their Faculty Fellows goals for one academic year (August to August)
  • Spending funds within the current fiscal year and in accordance with all deadlines established by the university and the respective college and department. Awards are state-appropriated funds and are subject to all applicable university, college, and departmental rules. Applicants should contact their unit’s budget officer for specifics on spending. Please see the DELTA Grant Funds section on our FAQs page for more information.

Competitive Priorities

Priority consideration is given to applications that:

  • Align with DELTA’s strategic goal to lead the digital transformation of teaching and learning
  • Focus on teaching effectively with NC State enterprise technology tools
  • Explicate specific goals and priorities
  • Include innovative use(s) of campus technologies
  • Note a specific interest and expertise in one or more of these priorities:
    • building community
    • micro-credentialing and badging
    • AI tools for teaching and learning

Current Faculty Fellows

  • Associate Professor Kyle Bunds, Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management, College of Natural Resources
  • Assistant Teaching Professor Sarah Egan Warren, Institute for Advanced Analytics
  • Teaching Professor Miriam Ferzli, Department of Biological Sciences, College of Sciences.
  • Assistant Teaching Professor Carrol Warren, Department of Educational Leadership, Policy, and Human Development, College of Education
  • Assistant Teaching Professor Anna Gibson, English Department, College of Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Associate Professor Wendy Krause, Department of Textile Engineering, Chemistry and Science, Wilson College of Textiles
  • Assistant Teaching Professor Megan Lupek, Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources, College of Natural Resources

See Faculty Fellows Grants in Action

Learn how past faculty fellows have shared their knowledge and best practices.

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